St. Andrews

Outdoor, open air Chapel
in beautiful
Lake Toxaway, NC
St. Andrews Chapel is a beautiful setting for weddings.
The most convenient time is when the Chapel is conducting services
(mid-June to mid-September) and on Saturday or Sunday afternoon.
That is because the Chapel has had its weekly cleaning and the
grounds and patios have been swept and flowers at the entrance
and on the patios are in place and in bloom. Also, a "port-a-jon" is on
the grounds only when the Chapel is conducting services.
If a wedding is held before or after the time the Chapel is open,
the cleaning of the Chapel and grounds are the responsibility of the
wedding party.
A fee of $300 is required to reserve the Chapel. A check
should be made out to St. Andrews By-the-Lake, P.O. Box 62, Lake Toxaway, NC 28747 prior to the wedding date.
The minister, music, flowers and other decorations, are to be provided by the wedding party. A rehearsal can be held
the day before but with the side and back curtains remaining lowered. It is also the responsibility of the wedding
party to remove all decorations after the wedding. Representatives of the
Chapel will be responsible for raising the curtains before the ceremony and lowering them after all have left the Chapel.
A member of the wedding party should meet with a member of the St. Andrews Board of Directors at the Chapel before the wedding date to review the decoration plans and desired set up of the altar, lectern and rugs.
The person to contact about using the chapel for a wedding is Julie Heinitsh
Her telephone number is (828) 506 1242, e-mail